Thursday, November 1, 2007

What's on your Mind?

What's the stupidest act you committed in poker? Man, am I guilty of a doozy! It happened last (not this past) weekend.
I was playing $4/$8 at a 9-handed table, and it got capped preflop, so there were about 7 of us going to the flop with me in middle position.
The flop was 10-7-7 and it was capped with 4 players still in the hand. At the turn, it was a battle between me and one other opponent. He kept muttering, there's no way YOU'd be playing 10-7 (it got capped)! On the river, I checked, he bet, I raised, he re-raised saying that he's got A-7, I re-raised and he called.

When he said, "Show me your 10-7 or pocket 10's for the full house," I turned my 8-9 of hearts over announcing that I flopped a straight. My opponent said, "Dang!" staring at my cards and looking very defeated. Everyone was talking about how they knew I flopped a monster for me to stay in and raise and reraise and stuff.

The dealer started bulldozing the mound of chips toward me then all of a sudden said, "Hey! That's not a straight!" This particular dealer likes to joke around a lot with us customers, so I just said "Whatever! " Then another player said that the dealer was right. Huh? OMG, they were correct! I was so embarrassed. Then someone said it took some big balls to try to pull off a bluff like that; then a couple of others chimed in by saying that they knew my mistake was genuine because if I missed that terribly by the turn, I wouldn't call a bet or re-raise with nothing, knowing that my opponent had me beat.

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