Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Poker Tourney

Friday night we all went to play in a free poker tournament at a local bar. Barb is a regular there, and they know Lynn as well. When the tourney started, we had a table full of women... me, Debbie/KrazyBitch, Amanda/Gemini, Kristin (Amanda's main squeeze), Barb, Lynn, and a local gal. Then this very brave young man sat down at our table. We started with 3000 in chips and the blinds were 100/200 and went up quickly from there.

I did the best I could do, but wasn't winning many pots. Finally I went all in when I short stacked with K8 off. Debbie had made a big raise pre flop but she was pushing a lot so I put her on any kind of a hand. She flips over QJ suited, hearts. She gets a Q on the flop, I turn a K, but a Q on the river seals my fate. I then hung around and watched. Debbie managed to make to the final table. She came in 7th place but only 1st & 2nd cashed.

The bar puts up the $ for the payouts, but trust me, they made it all back and then some from the liguor sales.

It was an interesting crowd, but very down to earth folks and it helped that we were with folks they knew. But everyone was very nice and friendly. Except for Grumpy Old Man. We all pissed him off when we stood up for Debbie during a controversial hand. He busted out shortly after that and stormed out in a huff. Apparently he does that a lot.

The next day we feasted on bacon, eggs, biscuits and homemade sausage gravy for breakfast. Then Lynn took us for a scenic drive and short walk in a park. We also went to Target and I bought an elephant at a yard sale (actually, Amanda bought it for me but she refused to let me pay her back).

That night we feasted on pigs in blankets, taquitos, chili dip, and the best tri-tip fajita tacos EVER with homemade salsa and guacamole. Then the tournament. A bunch of local female players joined. I think we had 13 players all together.

I went out in 7th place and received a lovely parting gift of lavendar bath crystals. Debbie once again was the last chix standing and came in 2nd and won $100.

After that they played a cash game and two guys showed up because they were itching for poker. Apparently the guys left with empty pockets.

There was much drinking and camraderie and lots of quotes but I've been sworn to secrecy. Amanda and Kristin were as charming and funny as I expected them to be. Oh, and now we can add Debbie/KB to list of chix I've slept with.

Barb and Lynn were great hosts. They catered to our every whim and made us feel at home.

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