Sunday, November 18, 2007

Over the last four weeks i have made over $9000 playing mainly $50 and $100 sit

The bad news is I'm afraid it definitely is a good streak. I'm not saying it doesn't take skill to win that much over 116 games, it definitely does, and you wouldn't catch a donkey every achieving that, but a 35% ROI is definitely unsustainable at $50 level over a large sample size.

The very best online sit and go players can average about 8-10% at $50 level. But it's not uncommon to go 100-200 games and sustain a 30%+ ROI. It's also not uncommon though for a good player to go 200 games with no profit or even a small loss.

Fair play to you for chancing your arm at that buy in though - takes some balls to play at that level - but be careful, because the downswings at that level can be pretty sickening aswell. It would not be unusual for you to drop say 15-20 buy ins now.

All that said and done - it's still a great run for you and well done!!!

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