Thursday, November 22, 2007

Has hold'em taken over

Holdem makes the most money in the shortest time. ALL other games take more time to finish a hand therefore it makes less money for the site. I like any game but understand that the house has to make money to survive.

More people playing today sees Holdem on TV so they think its the ONLY game to play. I think once they learn the game of holdem they will venture out and try stud, omaha, tripple draw, ect.

Monday, November 19, 2007

The iPoker network

He has awesome results. 15% ROI at $50 level is ridiculously good. I do think a bit of it is down to the network he plays on though. (please don't be banning me for saying this!) The iPoker network is particularly soft for sit and go competition, especially at that sort of level. If he were to play on Stars, I think he would find it much more difficult to sustain that level of ROI - the players on there are just a huge step up from iPoker in terms of average skill level.

Btw - Spacegravy finished his prop bet - he cleared $25k in 22 days just playing $60 turbos on stars. He played just under 6000 games in 22 days, with an ROI of 7%, and played a little under 300,000 hands

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Over the last four weeks i have made over $9000 playing mainly $50 and $100 sit

The bad news is I'm afraid it definitely is a good streak. I'm not saying it doesn't take skill to win that much over 116 games, it definitely does, and you wouldn't catch a donkey every achieving that, but a 35% ROI is definitely unsustainable at $50 level over a large sample size.

The very best online sit and go players can average about 8-10% at $50 level. But it's not uncommon to go 100-200 games and sustain a 30%+ ROI. It's also not uncommon though for a good player to go 200 games with no profit or even a small loss.

Fair play to you for chancing your arm at that buy in though - takes some balls to play at that level - but be careful, because the downswings at that level can be pretty sickening aswell. It would not be unusual for you to drop say 15-20 buy ins now.

All that said and done - it's still a great run for you and well done!!!

Last time i downloaded William Hill, i removed the software from my computer within the same day.

But after being told to have a go at some of the tourneys that they are doing, STUPIDLY i give it a try.

Deposited ?50, went onto double your money games, played a ?10 one and guess what my KQ vs 33 on a flop of KQ7, gets trashed by a 3 on the turn after the guy calling allin on the flop ????

So i decided to play what i am good at and use the ?40 in a ?0.50 and ?1 cash table, 10 - 15 hands in and i have seen nothing nut the usual 8 2 i get pocket KK i raise ?5 guy with ?10.50 goes allin, i call and he shows A4 the flop comes A 4 8. I LOSE ..............

?30 left and i have 6 7 suited, guy raises to ?3 and i'm BB the flop then comes 6 J 7 he bets 6 i raise allin knowing i am infront unless he has a paired PP he thinks and then calls the ?24 more with..... wait for it A6 OS with no draw.

TURN COMES A.... and thats my ?50 spent in a matter of half hour......

I can positively say, William Hill is the worst poker site i have ever played, i hate it, it is full of mugs that make rediculous plays and then get paid for it, It will be getting removed from my computer now and then i am going to petrol bomb the bookies near the green dragon.....

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Positional play

Positional play probably even more important at poker results because u are more likely to get raised by any two cards or a weak ace, try limping in continuously and u will find around 60% of the time u will get a preflop raise if u limp from utg or 2nd position, unless u have a significant history of limping in early position with a monster.

I limp with cr ap early position at low blinds and fold to a raise so i can then limp with kk or aa early position when the blinds are higher and be more likely to get a raiser so i can then re raise or flat call n try n milk a big pot!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Poker Tourney

Friday night we all went to play in a free poker tournament at a local bar. Barb is a regular there, and they know Lynn as well. When the tourney started, we had a table full of women... me, Debbie/KrazyBitch, Amanda/Gemini, Kristin (Amanda's main squeeze), Barb, Lynn, and a local gal. Then this very brave young man sat down at our table. We started with 3000 in chips and the blinds were 100/200 and went up quickly from there.

I did the best I could do, but wasn't winning many pots. Finally I went all in when I short stacked with K8 off. Debbie had made a big raise pre flop but she was pushing a lot so I put her on any kind of a hand. She flips over QJ suited, hearts. She gets a Q on the flop, I turn a K, but a Q on the river seals my fate. I then hung around and watched. Debbie managed to make to the final table. She came in 7th place but only 1st & 2nd cashed.

The bar puts up the $ for the payouts, but trust me, they made it all back and then some from the liguor sales.

It was an interesting crowd, but very down to earth folks and it helped that we were with folks they knew. But everyone was very nice and friendly. Except for Grumpy Old Man. We all pissed him off when we stood up for Debbie during a controversial hand. He busted out shortly after that and stormed out in a huff. Apparently he does that a lot.

The next day we feasted on bacon, eggs, biscuits and homemade sausage gravy for breakfast. Then Lynn took us for a scenic drive and short walk in a park. We also went to Target and I bought an elephant at a yard sale (actually, Amanda bought it for me but she refused to let me pay her back).

That night we feasted on pigs in blankets, taquitos, chili dip, and the best tri-tip fajita tacos EVER with homemade salsa and guacamole. Then the tournament. A bunch of local female players joined. I think we had 13 players all together.

I went out in 7th place and received a lovely parting gift of lavendar bath crystals. Debbie once again was the last chix standing and came in 2nd and won $100.

After that they played a cash game and two guys showed up because they were itching for poker. Apparently the guys left with empty pockets.

There was much drinking and camraderie and lots of quotes but I've been sworn to secrecy. Amanda and Kristin were as charming and funny as I expected them to be. Oh, and now we can add Debbie/KB to list of chix I've slept with.

Barb and Lynn were great hosts. They catered to our every whim and made us feel at home.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

What's on your Mind?

What's the stupidest act you committed in poker? Man, am I guilty of a doozy! It happened last (not this past) weekend.
I was playing $4/$8 at a 9-handed table, and it got capped preflop, so there were about 7 of us going to the flop with me in middle position.
The flop was 10-7-7 and it was capped with 4 players still in the hand. At the turn, it was a battle between me and one other opponent. He kept muttering, there's no way YOU'd be playing 10-7 (it got capped)! On the river, I checked, he bet, I raised, he re-raised saying that he's got A-7, I re-raised and he called.

When he said, "Show me your 10-7 or pocket 10's for the full house," I turned my 8-9 of hearts over announcing that I flopped a straight. My opponent said, "Dang!" staring at my cards and looking very defeated. Everyone was talking about how they knew I flopped a monster for me to stay in and raise and reraise and stuff.

The dealer started bulldozing the mound of chips toward me then all of a sudden said, "Hey! That's not a straight!" This particular dealer likes to joke around a lot with us customers, so I just said "Whatever! " Then another player said that the dealer was right. Huh? OMG, they were correct! I was so embarrassed. Then someone said it took some big balls to try to pull off a bluff like that; then a couple of others chimed in by saying that they knew my mistake was genuine because if I missed that terribly by the turn, I wouldn't call a bet or re-raise with nothing, knowing that my opponent had me beat.