Wednesday, December 12, 2007

poker - Dawg House

I propose you talk to your lawmakers and get poker legalized in SC. I have appointments set up on Thursday with two bars that are interested in holding events and have met twice with another bar owner that is interested. But all this is for nothing if players do not support the venues. I challenge anyone to go to a restaurant, order a tea, soda or water and sit there for 6-8 hours and order nothing, expect free refills all night and see how long they let you sit there. I know many people support as best they can when they can. When they can't, they don't and that's fine. I don't ask for anything more. But when a bar has over 100 players between two games and only makes $97 there’s a serious problem. The bars pay quite a bit of money to host events and they need to see a profit to keep doing so. Plain and simple. I know this topics been brought up time and time again on the forum here. And I'm sure the handful of people that actually take the time to read and post threads on here will do it all over again. Do your math, explain your logic, but it all boils down to supporting the venue. If they don't make a profit, or worse lose money over the events, I think the outcome is rather obvious. I will do my best to find to venues for the freeloaders and supporters alike. I'll also ask, once again, if you know of any good spots for poker, let me know. Everyone knows I'm not from Augusta. I don't know all the bars. If you want new venues, help me find them. I'll tell everyone right now, 1102 isn't going to keep hosting events much longer if things don't change.

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